rendering - future home of BPWC

First Lady Natalie J. Keys
Born September 9, 1973 to Pat J. and Anna M. Rachal
Born Again October, 1996
BPWC member since October 7, 1997
Incarnate Word Academy, 1989-1991
Lon Morris College, 1991-1993
University of Houston, 1993-1995
Married Dwight Keys, September 20, 1997
Licensed Missionary, BPWC, 1998
Minister of Music, BPWC, 2005-present
Founder Deliverance Dance Ministry
Senior Pastor Dwight L. Keys
Born September 11, 1971 to Lionel J. and Betty J. Keys
Born again October, 1980
Bellaire Senior High, 1984-1989
Veteran U.S. Army Reserves, 1989-1992
Veteran U.S. Naval Reserves, 1992-1995
University of Houston, College of Technology, Industrial Distribution, 1990-1996
Married Natalie J. (Rachal) Keys, September 20, 1997
Licensed Minister 1998, Bethel Praise & Worship Center
Ordained Minister 1999, Bethel Praise & Worship Center
Chairman Financial Department, BPWC, 2005-2015
Associate Pastor, BPWC, 2005-2015
Vice President Heartbeat Ministries (501c3), 2005-2015
Chairman Friends Advisory Board, CanCare (501c3), 2015
Descendant of Irvin Sr. and Lorena Keys. Pastor Keys comes from a long line of deacons, missionaries, prophets, evangelists and pastors.

Evangelist Lionel James Keys finished his race on July 15, 2015. We celebrated his home-going on July 25th and praised God for his remarkable life.
Bethel Praise & Worship Center, was established May 1, 1987 by Founders Evangelist Lionel J. Keys and Betty J. Keys. Evangelist Keys was the previous Senior Pastor for over 28 years. BPWC is a full gospel non-denominational Christian church. Bethel or "El-Bethel" is Hebrew for "House of God." The ministry was inspired and birthed from the description of the vision of Jacob's ladder found in Genesis 28:11-22. Our ministry is to the total man as we focus on worshipping God and ministering to man's mind, body and soul. BPWC is home to Heartbeat Ministries, Inc., 501(c)3.
Our philosophy is that the church is to function as a spiritual community which comprehensively models the Kingdom of God on earth by developing Christians into committed disciples of Jesus Christ. This philosophy is reflected in our mission statement, "Building God's Kingdom One Soul At A Time."
Here at Bethel we strive for harmony in the Spirit. We remain one-minded in the purpose of God's calling in Christ Jesus and we are known for the love felt by all who fellowship and worship with us.